Milliman Datalytics-Defense

Improve claims defense strategies and reduce costs by unlocking hidden intelligence in your data.

Milliman Datalytics-Defense is one of the leading e-billing platforms on the market. It uses proprietary and advanced machine-learning-based algorithms to extract intelligence from carriers’ defense cost invoices and turn that unstructured data into actionable insights. With these growing costs comes a growing need to understand the value received from certain defense strategies. Are some of your legal partners better than others at getting a more cost-efficient settlement? How does venue or claim severity impact the expected outcome of your cases?

Datalytics-Defense is not just another e-billing system. Where similar solutions stop, Datalytics-Defense begins, providing the most accurate information about your legal partner’s performance in order to better control your costs, increase efficiencies, and compare your partners’ actual outcomes to predicted outcomes. Imagine a system that will help you identify your best partners using data driven insights that consider both defense costs and claim outcomes.

Datalytics-Defense extends the capability of Duck Creek Claims by enabling carriers to use analytics and algorithms to detect patterns in attorney billing practices, thus allowing a better understanding of litigation costs and strategies. Duck Creek and Milliman together have developed an Anywhere Enabled Integration between platforms for mutual clients looking for a jumpstart on an implementation through Duck Creek’s Anywhere API program.

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Datalytics-Defense is designed specifically for the insurance industry and has subject matter expertise built into the technology and reporting

Advanced analytics helps identify best claims defense practices which can be implemented across the organization

Complete system integration including: claim data, document management, payment reconciliation, timekeeper rates, and proprietary Datalytics-Defense created data

Utilizes peer-to-peer comparisons and benchmarks of law firms’ costs and outcomes

Advanced and proprietary data mining algorithms produce consistent and insightful data compared to the inconsistent and insufficient data produced by UTBMS codes


Customizable audits

Workflow management

Law firm and timekeeper management

Interactive dashboards and meaningful reports

User notifications


One of the largest actuarial consulting firms in the world and the global market leader in actuarial consulting to the insurance industry

Advises over 80% of the world’s leading insurers, working with 44 of the top 50 insurers globally

Deep expertise in providing advanced predictive analytics and machine learning solutions for the insurance industry

Combines global expertise and market-leading technical skills with local market presence, leveraging our in-depth knowledge of the regulations and markets in which we operate

A recognized leader in developing solutions for the insurance industry

An active research program to supplement and support our consulting activities