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Ebix Australia Sunrise Exchange Integration


The Ebix Sunrise Exchange is a leading B2B electronic eCommerce service in Australia, enabling insurers and intermediaries to transact securely in real-time over a broad and expanding range of insurance products and services. Ebix Sunrise Exchange allows insurance professionals to process quotes, submit and respond to new business, make enquiries, endorse and renew policies, and complete cancellations and lapses across most classes of general insurance products.


This package contains an extension to the Duck Creek Anywhere REST APIs which can be used to integrate Ebix Sunrise Exchange applications with Duck Creek. Ebix Sunrise Exchange applications will post a JSON request on the API, the API will return redirect JSON information for Ebix Sunrise Exchange to be consumed along with the URL to navigate to a specific Duck Creek page.

Dependencies for Package

The following tools and packages are required for correct implementation of the package.

Tools Needed to Complete the Package Installation

The following tools are needed to complete the package installation:

  • Visual Studio 
  • Duck Creek Policy


To use this package, you must also have Duck Creek Policy 6.X or 7.X installed.


  • Version will not work with this package.
  • This is version independent. You must compile the solution with the appropriate assembly references and .NET framework version, based on your release of platform. 

Installing the Package

After you are granted access to the Content Exchange packages you requested, use the Content Exchange Package Utility to install the package. This utility can be run on the server or on your local machine.

To install a package:

  1. Download and install version 3.5.0 of the Content Exchange Package Utility
  2. Once installed, open the utility and use it to install or unzip your downloaded packages. Learn more about using this utility.
    Some packages are completely installed by the Content Exchange Package Utility while others still require some manual steps. The documentation provided with each package includes any manual steps required to successfully install that package.
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