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World Programming InClaim FNOL (Claims)


InClaim from World Programming is a digital FNOL solution that provides AI-assisted data capture and decisioning on mobile devices. InClaim enables claimants to easily collect evidence, including photos as well as audio and video recordings, as part of the claims process. When the claimant submits this evidence from their mobile device, near real-time decisioning from InClaim occurs utilizing voice analytics, sentiment analytics and fraud scoring. InClaim allows claimants to take control of the claims process while freeing up time an insurer typically spends on claims processing, affording the opportunity to reduce both indemnity and operating expenses while improving claimant satisfaction.

This Anywhere Enabled Integration linking InClaim to Duck Creek Claims illustrates how modern insurers can leverage the best of AI and automation technologies to promote empathic behaviours and the human touch in their relationship with their customers.

Digital FNOL Video 

Digital FNOL Information Sheet 

Dependencies for Package

The following tools and packages are required for correct implementation of the package.

Tools Needed to Complete the Package Installation

The following tools are needed to complete the package installation:

  • Microsoft Azure Subscription
  • Visual Studio 2019
  • Postman


To use this package, you must also have the Duck Creek Claims and Duck Creek Policy installed.

Installing the Package

After you are granted access to the Content Exchange packages you requested, use the Content Exchange Package Utility to install the package. This utility can be run on the server or on your local machine.

To install a package:

  1. Download and install version 3.5.0 of the Content Exchange Package Utility
  2. Once installed, open the utility and use it to install or unzip your downloaded packages. Learn more about using this utility.
    Some packages are completely installed by the Content Exchange Package Utility while others still require some manual steps. The documentation provided with each package includes any manual steps required to successfully install that package.
Anywhere Enabled Integration
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